Thursday 9 May 2013

THE MATRIX RE-EVALUATED- 'The Animatrix' commentary

And now for something completely different!

Yes, it's truesies, after kicking off The Matrix Re-Evaluated project with our commentary for little known '99 classic 'The Matrix', we decided that any real look back at the franchise would, if it was being fair and complete, have to take into account 'The Animatrix' so we took on the task of providing commentary for the nine short films which acted as our first glimpse of the world beyond 'The Matrix', a world which was to leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth for many come the release of the sequels.

We recorded our commentary from the blu-ray release of 'The Animatrix' rather than the DVD release, meaning that, unlike the DVD release, this commentary does not include full credits for 'The Animatrix' after each short has finished, so to allow everyone to sync up their commentaries after each short, we've left a clearly indicated pause. Don't worry too much, as we explain it in the audio itself.

Boys? Let's do one.

The Animatrix Commentary

WARNING- This commentary may include us feeling all nostalgia filled for our lost youth.