Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Lost Rewatch Podcast #84 - 'There's No Place Like Home' Part 2 & 3

Well, bugger my spitoon and set fire to the rain- we've only gone and reached the end of season 4!

Yes, it's true, with this week's edition of the GREAT Lost Rewatch Podcast we deliver one of our world famous doublés or, as they're sometimes known, 'double bills' covering the second half of the gigantic conclusion to this game changing season.

Last week, we said we had a fair number of issues with this finale, but will they be apparent in our analysis of the second half? There's only one way to find out and that's by downloading the shit out of this week's podcast!

There's No Place Like Home Part 2 Commentary

WARNING- This episode may make you believe that a Korean can fly