Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast- 'Last Christmas'

Merry Christmas, WHINECAST listeners!

But was it really christmas, or just one of your fruity cheese dreams? That's the question on everyone's minds this week , as we reconvene after our traditional festive stuffing to discuss this year's Doctor Who Christmas special.

It's no secret that the Christmas special is often a patchy experience...we've had the whole range, from great, to decent, to downright awful. So where does this year's entry, 'Last Christmas', fall?

There's Nick Frost's turn as the jolly man in the red suit, there's Capaldo on fine grumpatron form - and there's the blessed news that we won't be saying goodbye to Clara for at least one more series - but are these enough to make this a Christmas cracker to remember?

You know what to do!

'Last Christmas' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

The double meaning film!!

Monday, 22 December 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast- 'The Christmas Invasion'

It turns out the only North this planet has is the North Pole - as this week Russell T Dog has decided he’s sick of Northern Soul and wants a bit of Cockney Geezer - and by ‘neck, he’s gonna use Christmas to do it!

Yep, it’s a big moment for the Rewatch Podcast as we’re peering outside and noting that our garden is covered in a beautiful blanket of ash, meaning that it’s time for Davey Tennant to step into his converse and usher in a brand new age for the revived Who.

But what do we make of the show’s first ever Xmas special? Does it stand the test of time? Is keeping the Doctor (or Doctor Who as *some* like to call him) offscreen for so long a brave, or idiotic move? Will Jackie and Mickey continue their affair right under Rose’s nose? All these questions and more will be answered in this week’s festive edition of the Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast!

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

5" action figure from Amazon!!

Monday, 15 December 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast - 'Bad Wolf' & 'The Parting of the Ways'

It's a doublé!

Yep, for the first and probably only time, we're releasing two editions of the Rewatch Podcast at once! Are we doing this because it's a two parter? Because it's the finale? Because it's the grand goodbye to Ecclescake (since he didn't return)? 

No - it's all because we want to schedule things so that we can do 'The Christmas Invasion' at, uh, Christmas! But before we welcome old Davey T on the scene, we have to bid goodbye to the one hit wonder that is the Ninth Doctor - and by 'eck, it's been a hell of a run!

So, ready your death rays, owe Rodrigo a favour and pull a gun out of your arse - it's time to wave a fond farewell to Peter Ecclestone!

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

A story for each Doctor from the 1st Doctor all the way to Doctor Who!!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

The Marvel Vs DC movie mash-up- 'Iron Man Three'

Ho ho holy crap, there's a foreigner blowing things up!

He's teaching us lessons. He's sending us cryptic video messages. Yes, that's right, it's time for us to face off against The Jo- Mandarin. Yes. The Mandarin. But as anyone who likes a bit of Marvel knows, it's not going to be that simple, there's twists and turns and oh so many gags ahead of us!

As it's Christmas, the Mash-up is delving into phase two of the MCU with the appropriately festive 'Iron Man 3'. But what does the world have in store for Tony Stark in the wake-of The Avengers? Well, it seems that basically it's a film that's very much its own beast - but is it a beast we want to tame and keep as a pet, or one we want to execute behind the woodshed?

Find out, in our Christmas Mash-up!!

'Iron Man Three' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Iron Man Cufflinks!!!

Monday, 8 December 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast - 'Boom Town'


Yes, the Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast is returning (unlike Peter Ecclestone) for another trip in the TARDIS, but would you believe it, the Doctor's gone and forgot to load this mother up with space petrol, so we're gonna be taking a bit of a pit-stop this week as the gang use the raw, elemental power of The Welsh to repower their Time Vehicle.

Of course, that's not all that's on the agenda. We've got plenty of opportunity to make Micky feel excluded, to flirt with men, women and Slitheen - and possibly to turn some woman into an egg because the TARDIS, much like Jimmy Savile, can grant wishes now.

It's one of the more low key episodes of the series, but the question is whether or not it's underrated. Do the stellar performances and moral quandaries put 'Boom Town' in the category of unrecognised classic? Or is this episode just lacking a bit of, well, boom? There's only one way to find out!

'Boom Town' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.


Thursday, 4 December 2014

WHNECAST - The Bond 24 Announcement

Is that a spectre I see upon your shoulder, Mendes? Yes, the spectre of having to live up to the phenomenally successful Skyfall, Dannii Craig's last triumphant outing in Jimmy Bond's tuxedo

So, how is Mendes going to deal with the crushing weight of expectations? Well, we found out today - by enlisting a cast of super cool and super hot people, by getting the Skyfall scribes back on the case and by resurrecting one of the most beloved foes of the Bond franchise from the legal limbo it's inhabited for almost 50 years.

Yep, today saw the announcement of the title for the next Bond, the principal cast and a few tasty snippets of where Craig's era might be headed - and given our long history with the Bond franchise, we couldn't help but get ourselves behind the mic to offer our thoughts.

Just don't mention Blofeld.

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Relive live the classics in stunning high-definition from Amazon!!

Monday, 1 December 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast- 'The Doctor Dances'

Oh, what a lovely war!

Yes, after our hiatus to delve into the world of CAPALDO, we're getting back on the horse with Peter Ecclestone right where we left off - awkwardly in the middle of a two parter!

And it's almost as if the ghost of the Capaldi era has come back with us, as it's only a Stevie Moffat special -so as you can imagine there's loads of sex, smut, innuendo and filth. Yep, tensions are rising this week (SEXUAL tensions) as Captain Jack arrives on the scene, leaving Rose with the difficult decision of whether she would better destroy Mickey's soul by sleeping with Jack, the Doctor or Jack and the Doctor.

Who shall she pick? The pretty boy or the bit of rough? Oh, and something about some little boy ending the world happens as well, allegedly.

'The Doctor Dances' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Christmas Present for every Whovian from Amazon!!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Marvel Vs DC Movie Mash-up - 'The Dark Knight Rises'

Mglepghh! Hmnuh! Bhmm!

Yes, it's true, a fire is rising beneath the Mash-up this month, as we skip away from Marvel's jovial barrage of primary colours and return to some of that DC dank despair - this time being stewarded by Chrissy Nolan as he attempts to conclude his take on The Bat Man.

Now, 'The Dark Knight Rises' is a big movie. Whichever way you look at it. Big ambitions, big set pieces, big running time. So it only seems appropriate that to deal with Chrissy Nolo's epic of epicness, WHINECAST ups the ante and delivers what we *think* is our longest podcast ever. May God have mercy on us all.

But hopefully, you'll think the length is justified, as there's frankly so damn much in this film to talk about, a thousand topics. But naturally, the key topic that we need to address, the question that needs to be answered, the one we've been asking ourselves since 2012 - is it any good? Aside from the hype, the expectation, the arses leaning over bikes - does the film actually work outside of its gargantuan release hoopla?

You're about to find out!

'The Dark Knight Rises' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Compete the trilogy with this blu ray from Amazon!!

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

'Interstellar' review

It feels pretty damn strange for us to be doing a review not connected to a prior franchise at this point. The past few months have been a parade of entries assigned to long running franchises and it's kind of a relief to be reviewing something which isn't part of an established franchise.

Clearly Christopher Nolan feels the same way, as he's used his directorial clout to command a mighty budget - but will the audience be getting our money's worth?

Join us as we sit down to discuss one of the last big releases of the year, a film that's done everything it can to be as secretive as possible at every turn. Will this pay off? Will the film take us to infinity and beyond? Tune into the WHINECAST review to find out!

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Grab a Nolan classic from Amazon!!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast - 'Death in Heaven'


Yep, although it feels approximately ten minutes since we were sat in the cinema to watch the CAPALDO debut with Deep Breath, it's apparently 12 or so weeks later, because here we are at the finale!

Carrying on form the distinctly Murky Water seen in last week's cracking episode we're faced with an extended 55-minute conclusion to the first 'Master' story in five years. But will this extended running time result in the episode having more room to breathe than certain other Moffat conclusions (we're looking at you, 'Wedding of River Song')?

More importantly, will this be the cherry on the cake of a strong freshman year for CAPALDO, or an unfortunate conclusion to an otherwise enjoyable run? Will Clara (aka Wideface) survive the series? Will The Master have a plan that makes the least bit of sense?

Find out - in the new Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast!

'Death in Heaven' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Nice Christmas Stocking Filler

Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast- 'Dark Water'


That was an uneventful episode, wasn't it? LOLZ JK, it was totally action packed. With it being the first part of the two part finale, it's hard to know how careful to be on the old spoilers front, as we on the podcast would hate to be responsible for ruining any surprises for folk - but what we will say is that the podcast itself is as spoilerific as it comes, so for Lord's sake, don't listen to a word of our ramblings until you've seen the episode through to the very end (as if you would).

Spoilers aside, we had a hell of a part one to enjoy this week, with the show taking some chances in choosing to tackle some pretty horrific subjects head on, maybe more so than ever before.

How it will all play out is anyone's guess at this point (possibly including Moffat), but one thing's for sure, Capaldi's first series is having a conclusion to remember!

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

The Thick of It DVD collection

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast - 'In The Forrest of the Night'

If you go down to the woods to the woods tonight you're in a for a big surprise - because there's an eccentric Scotsman loudly enthusing about trees to anyone who'll listen!

Yep, it's the last episode of the series before the two part finale kicks off its inevitable fireworks and in the meantime, it's time for some housekeeping, as the Doctor has let them weeds get right out of hand! So, we're armed with a hell of a concept, more wavey hands than even Matt Smith would approve of and the terror that is inherent in dealing with both children AND animals!

We might be a bit late with our review this week (we have social lives, honest!), but we had a blast joining Capaldo and Wideface in the Night Garden, so we hope you'll brush the vines aside, find a spare patch of soil and help us uncover one mother of an insurance scam!

'In The Forrest of the Night' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

Also you can listen to our work on both iTunes and Stitcher by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

Lego Doctor Who Canvas Print!!