Monday, 24 August 2015

BlogalongaStarWars - 'Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'

If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise - it’s a really long podcast!

Yes, BlogalongaStarWars is reaching the end of the original trilogy and gosh darn it, there’s a lot to talk about. Did Lando have to do loads of cocaine to infiltrate Jabba’s palace? Just how much cocaine was Carrie Fisher taking throughout the production and - finally, would Dark Vader have fared better in his fight against Luke if he had taken cocaine beforehand to give him some extra whizzbang? All these and many non-cocaine related topics are discussed to bloody bits, as we look back at ‘Return of the Jedi’!

'Return of the Jedi' commentary

You can follow the both of us on Twitter at @ChrisSykes108 and @billowl.

You can listen to our work on both iTunes, Stitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful.

The Making of Book!!